Connect People Quicker Coaching Group


Connect People Quicker Coaching Group


Is your team constantly needing more volunteers?  Do you wish you had an easy way to connect people the first time they visit your church?  Would your ministry soar if you had a plan to grow volunteers into leaders?  

This coaching network is for you!

In 4 sessions you will learn a proven system that connects people quickly into your ministry, establish a clear path of leadership development and ensure that your volunteers are unified around the vision of your ministry.  You will be equipped with a system that works!  You will receive easy to replicate material that can be used next week in your church.  Plus, you will be connecting with other church leaders who are working through similar issues in live-time.

Space is limited to 10 people in this course.  It will fill up quickly.  Secure your spot.  Register today! 

How does this work?  It is simple, I am taking 10 pastors or ministry leaders in this digital coaching group.  We will spend one hour together each week for 4 weeks to solve real-time problems around connecting people to your church.  For only $149 you will be loaded with every resource and armed with a system that will grow your church one new volunteer at a time.

What do you get?

  • A simple church-wide system that moves a first time guest to a volunteer in as little as 2 weeks.
  • An easy way to make the first time someone serves painless and effective.
  • A leadership development path that can turn a volunteer into a staff member.
  • Connection with other church leaders that can last a lifetime.

Dates and Times:  Tuesday, May 17, 24, 31 and June 7.  11:00am-12:30pm EST. 

Cost:  $149

Connection:  We will meet using ZOOM Video Chat.

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